Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rehabilitation of the orphaned old people on the streets

Possibility of the project
To provide food, shelter and medical care above all provide them with safe and secured life

My project involves five stages :
1st stage : identifying the orphaned old people on the streets by the process of observations, talking to friends and family members.

2nd Stage : Identifying the old age homes in the city in the areas where I have identified the old people and try to enroll the trusty and program directors into my community project and I would gather information about what services they provide for the old people. Also I would inform them that I would refer old people as and when I come across someone on the streets.

3rd Stage : call my target communities like friends and family members and inform them about my community project and give them a list of old age homes so that if they come across some old people on the roads they can refer.

4th Stage : I would like to enroll as many as 100 orphaned old people on the streets.

5th Stage : After 100 enrollments I would not stop hear. I would regularly visit these old age homes and check the quality and care in the old age homes and spend some of my personal time with them so that they would feel happy and cared. I would also involve my family. This would provide sustainable plan.


By rehabilitating the orphaned old people on the streets and pavements I would create the possibility of food, shelter and medical care for the elderly people on the streets. There is also the possibility of emotional care. They would have some security and peace.

A.Raj Mohan can be contacted at

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