Landmark Education, a global leader in the field of training and development, offers The Landmark Forum and graduate courses and seminars that are innovative, effective, and immediately relevant. The Landmark Forum, the foundation of all Landmark Education's programs, is designed to bring about a fundamental shift or transformation in what is possible in people's lives.
Participants in The Landmark Forum and Landmark Education's other courses, seminars, and programs see new possibilities for effective action in everyday matters. People are able to achieve higher standards of excellence and to think and act beyond existing views and limits - in their personal lives, relationships, and wider communities of interest.
Landmark Education's courses, Landmark seminars and Landmark programs are offered in more than 110 cities around the world. Graduates of The Landmark Forum often participate in Landmark Education's graduate courses, seminars, and programs, which present a wide range of topics and benefits, relevant to living everyday life powerfully, including: relationships, creativity, integrity, money, fitness, and many more. The number of people who participate in Landmark courses annually makes Landmark Education one of the largest, most relevant and diverse "campuses" in the world. Visit